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Real Time Operating Systems

    17IT90 - REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS (Add on course – I) Pre-requisites:   Operating Systems, Computer Organization & Architecture. Course Outcomes:   CO1: Summarize the Components of Real Time Systems and their programming. CO2: Differentiate the Static and Dynamic memory allocation strategies. CO3: Apply Synchronization techniques forResource management in Real Time Systems. CO4: Analyze deadlock management techniques and communication in distributed systems. CO5: Illustrate file management and data management techniques.   UNIT – I: Introduction To Real-Time Systems: What is a real-time system? Case study: anti-lock braking system, Components of real-time systems, the history of real-time programming. Real-time, embedded and operating-system programming: Programming languages, The C programming language, Software engineering and development, Summary of real-time programming. Basics ...
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